B.A. (Hons), J.D.,  Associate Lawyer

Meet Laura Cvetkovski, our Associate Lawyer and Toronto Family Lawyer, at Separy Law P.C.

Laura completed her Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree at Osgoode Hall Law School. Prior to attending law school, Laura completed an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Criminology at Wilfrid Laurier University with minors in Psychology and Religion and Culture. Laura articled at Separy Law P.C.

During her time at Osgoode, Laura took advantage of the many practical learning opportunities available to her. In her second year, she volunteered with Pro Bono Students Canada where she aided in the creation and implementation of the Citizenship Drive Project, an outreach project that sought to aid minors in becoming Canadian citizens and guiding them through the administrative process. She also worked as a caseworker in the Criminal Law Division at the Community and Legal Aid Services Program (CLASP), and then as a Division Leader in her third year, where she provided legal representation to those in need. Laura also worked as a volunteer caseworker with the Innocence Project in her final year, examining suspected cases of wrongful conviction and assisting with the Criminal Conviction Review process.

Laura’s practice focuses on all areas of family law, including but not limited to, separationdivorceparenting (custody), parenting plans (access to children)child supportspousal support, variations in existing court orders and/or agreements, and resolving issues related to complex property division. Laura is resolution oriented and often works with clients to negotiate Toronto cohabitation agreements (prenuptial agreements), Toronto marriage agreements (postnuptial agreements, and Toronto separation agreements.

Laura also frequently advises clients whom may have dealt with serious issues such as domestic violence, emotional abuse, financial abuse and other forms of abuse. Her practice as a Toronto Family Lawyer spans all of the major courts in Toronto, and the Greater Toronto Area (“GTA”).

In her free time, Laura enjoys getting outdoors when she can, playing sports with friends, honing her limited cooking abilities, and nurturing her ever-growing plant family.

What Are Some Facts About Laura’s Work Quality and Work Ethic?

Strong attention to detail.


Extremely responsive to client and opposing counsel communication.

Kind and emphathetic to sensitive family law issues.


Very passionate advocate that strives to obtain the best possible results for her clients.

Very responsive to questions and makes an effort to put her clients at ease.

Provides detailed explanations to ensure that clients have comprehensive understanding of the family law settlement and/or the complicated Ontario Family Court process and  legal principles.

Takes a reasonable and child focused approach to resolving parenting issues.

Provides the court with detailed, comprehensive and well drafted materials.

Courteous in her written and oral communication to opposing counsel.

Able to negotiate creative and practical solutions to family law issues.

Laura’s practice focuses on the following areas of law:

  • Separation
  • Divorce
  • Spousal Support (sometimes known as “alimony” or “maintenance”)
  • Child Support
  • Custody
  • Access (child visitation or parenting regimes)
  • Changes to child support orders (“Motion to Change Child Support”)
  • Changes to spousal support orders (“Motion to Change Spousal Support)
  • Changes to custody and access or parenting regimes (“Motion to Change Custody and Access)
  • Common law cohabitation  and marriages
  • same sex relationships and marriages
  • domestic contracts – cohabitation agreements, marriage agreements (prenuptial agreements), and separation agreements
  • property division – simple or complex